The Overhang, previously named Ras Kanyengwa, was acquired by The Karimjee Jivanjee Group in 2017. In 2018, The Overhang brand was born, the group’s first venture into the hospitality industry.
The Overhang name alludes to the physical characteristics of the cabins whose structures appear to extrude and suspend over the cliff. This eco-friendly peninsula property is enveloped by lush forest, abundant with countless species of trees, and is home to an untouched ecosystem of numerous species of wildlife.
The property shares its coast with tiny fishing villages, an exposed coral reef, and a protected sanctuary of sea turtles and whales. It also boasts a carefully preserved freshwater lagoon bordered by mangroves. This home, away from home, offers a slice of tranquillity, a vibe, a mood, and a cabin with a view.